Genevieve Benson

Genevieve is on the National Student Advertising Competition team
Graduation year
Minneapolis, MN
Strategic Communication


What is your major and what made you decide to pursue it?
My major is Strategic Communication, and I was driven to apply because of the emphasis on real-world experience in tandem with classroom learning. I have always been interested in communications and design, and the Hubbard School seemed like the perfect fit due to the size and community-oriented environment, renowned faculty, and course offerings. 

What has been your favorite part of your experience at the Hubbard School? 
My favorite experience has been my extracurricular involvement, as well as the connections I’ve made through the school. The National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) team has taught me valuable advertising and marketing skills, and also introduced me to a determined and talented group of individuals. The endless and abundant support in the School, above all else, keeps me going and determined to succeed in my future aspirations. 


What class or professor has had the biggest impact on you? 
Both Mass Media & Popular Culture and Visual Presentations with lecturer Ruth DeFoster have taught me different perspectives to view messages, humans and overall society. She challenged the class to rethink our own biases, understanding of the communications industry, and the way we interact with others around us. 

What minors, internships, or activities are you pursuing outside of your major?
I am currently pursuing an Interdisciplinary Design minor with an emphasis in User-Interface Experience and Graphic Design. I am a Marketing and Social Media Intern for Orientation & Transition Experiences, a Communications Intern for the School of Kinesiology, and Director of Marketing Strategy at the Minnesota Daily. All of my positions have provided me with different skills and areas of interest within communications. Specifically, my social media and design experience has prompted me to learn more about web design to enhance my digital communication skill set. 

What course would you recommend for other students in your major? 
Account Planning or Media Planning are valuable courses for individuals interested in advertising and strategy. Both taught me valuable knowledge on media outlets and thinking outside of the original constraints provided. 

What is your dream job? 
My dream job is one that is constantly evolving with roles, responsibilities and projects. I like to be kept on my toes and constantly learning new skills and techniques, therefore post-graduation, I look forward to combining my strategy and consulting skills with my passion for design and accessibility. I hope to work for an organization that strives to positively impact the environment, wellness and equity initiatives. 

What advice do you have for future Hubbard School students? 
As repetitious as it may sound, get involved. Try a few different areas whether it be student jobs, internships, or student organizations. Find your fit within the School, but diversify your experiences and resume by trying new and challenging opportunities. Never let yourself be too comfortable as your most exciting learning curves will arise when you are tested to your limits. 

What is one aspect of your major that surprised you? 
Initially, I wasn’t aware of the variety of interests and areas within the communications, marketing and advertising field. There are so many opportunities, and the industry is constantly evolving. 

What do you wish you had known about your career path before now? 
It’s absolutely acceptable to not know exactly what position you want to do for the rest of your life. Education and professional experiences provide individuals with the opportunities to explore new things and delve into facets unknown to you

Genevieve Benson